Nice, please tag bugs as #bug and #feature for features. I’ll hand you over admin once I am through my tasklist. It’s a custom WP theme, so anything you can write for WP should work/most plugins.

Made a quick plugin for bulk image uploads/autogen posts with tags format is bill_clinton-office-cigar.jpg Underscores are spaces, hyphens are new tag/separators. Expect to see hundreds (up to 1K) of posts a day from me for a little while until the bulk is up.

Replying to @gameover @admin

Nice. It’s a decent AWS package (needs changed to better host morally, but it’s as fast a CDN as there is really). The main feature is that you can install this theme on any site and interact with each other >>>> cross site. <<< So, you host your own WP/grab the theme and can interact with here without ever coming to this site. That's the killer app. 😏

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