United Nations Admits World Hunger Is Necessary To Implement ‘The Great Reset’
web.archive.orgThe Benefits of World Hunger | United Nations
#food_chain #United_Nations #The_Great_Reset
Sometimes, an apple is just an apple. Sometimes I’m just hungry.
Are we set to run out of HUMMUS? Global chickpea shortage – worsened by Ukraine war – means popular dip could be harder to buy
dailymail.co.ukGlobal chickpea shortage means hummus supplies could dip by 20%
#food_chain #Russia #Ukraine
Black Donald – Scottish mythology
en.wikipedia.orgBlack Donald – Wikipedia
#Black_Donald #devil
Bies – slavic demon
en.wikipedia.orgBies – Wikipedia
#Bies #devil
Belphegor – sloth
en.wikipedia.orgBelphegor – Wikipedia
#Belphegor #devil
Belial/Baalial/Balial/Belhor/Beliall/Beliar/Berial/Bylyl/Beliya’al – wicked or worthless in hebrew
en.wikipedia.orgBelial – Wikipedia
#Belial #devil
Behemoth – glottony
#Behemoth #devil
Beelzebub/Ba‘al Zebûb – Lord of the flies, prince of demons
en.wikipedia.orgBeelzebub – Wikipedia
#Beelzebub #Lord_of_the_Flies #devil