Microsoft bought Drawbridge (machine learning digital identity management technology) in 2019
news.linkedin.comAccelerating our Marketing Solutions Technology Platform

Microsoft bought Dependabot (tool that automates dependency updates& its integration directly into GitHub) in 2019
neowin.netGitHub acquires Dependabot; Launches GitHub Sponsors
Microsoft bought Express Logic (real time operating systems for IoT & edge devices powered by microcontroller units) in 2019…
Microsoft bought stake Databricks (software for processing large-scale data inpublic clouds) in 2019
cnbc.comMicrosoft used to scare start-ups but is now an ‘outstandingly good partner,’ says Silicon Valley investor Ben Horowitz
Microsoft bought DataSense (combo cloud service for educators) in 2019 DataSense to Microsoft Education’s family of products
Microsoft bought Citus Data (extension that transforms PostgreSQL into a distributed database for developers) in 2019…
Microsoft bought Spectrum (community chat software) in 2018…
Microsoft bought FSLogix (app-provisioning platform) in 2018…
Microsoft bought XOXCO (software product design and development studio known for its conversational AI and bot development capabilities) in 2018…
Microsoft bought Obsidian Entertainment (game developer – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Fallout: New Vegas, South Park: The Stick of Truth & Pillars of Eternity)in 2018…